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Creating a Collection via API

Hub's API can be used to create a verified collection (MCC) on Solana and then mint a token into that collection.

Step 1: Authenticate

All API calls need a header of the form

  { "Authorization": "Your_API_Token" }

To get an API token:

  a. Log into Hub

  b. On your organization's page, open the "Credentials" tab

  c. Click "Generate token"

Step 2: GraphQL mutation

A sample createCollection mutation:

mutation CreateCollection($input: CreateCollectionInput!) {
createCollection(input: $input) {
collection {


"input": {
"blockchain": "SOLANA",
"share": 100,
"verified": false
"metadataJson": {
"name": "Collection name",
"symbol": "SYMBOL",
"description": "Collection description",
"image": "<LINK_TO_IMAGE>",
"attributes": []

Note the creator field verified can only be set to true when the creator is the treasury wallet. Otherwise, the creator input must have "verified": false.

Step 3: Check status of collection creation

To view the status of a collection created by the steps above, use the new collection's id that is returned when creating the collection to query:

query GetCollectionStatus($project: UUID!, $collection:UUID!) {
project(id: $project) {
collection(id: $collection) {


"project": "<PROJECT_ID>",
"collection": "<COLLECTION_ID>"

Note that collections following these steps are assigned to a project. By default, each new drop is assigned a collection - these collections can be queried under drops (drops are under projects).