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input UpdateMintInput {
id: UUID!
metadataJson: MetadataJsonInput!
sellerFeeBasisPoints: Int
creators: [CreatorInput!]!

Fields ● UUID! non-null scalar

The ID of the mint to be updated

UpdateMintInput.metadataJson ● MetadataJsonInput! non-null input

The metadata of the mint

UpdateMintInput.sellerFeeBasisPoints ● Int scalar

The optional seller fee basis points

UpdateMintInput.creators ● [CreatorInput!]! non-null input

The creators to be assigned to the NFT. For Solana, this can be up to five creators. If the project treasury wallet is set as a creator and verified set to true the creator will be verified on chain. For Polygon, this can be only 1 creator.

Member of

updateMint mutation