📄️ acceptInvite
Accept an invite to the organization.
📄️ createCollection
This mutation creates a new NFT collection. The collection returns immediately with a creation status of CREATING. You can set up a webhook to receive a notification when the collection is ready to be minted.
📄️ createCredential
Create an API credential to authenticate and authorize API requests to the Holaplex Hub.
📄️ createCustomerWallet
Create a wallet for a customer and assign it to the customer's treasury account.
📄️ createCustomer
This mutation creates a customer record and a corresponding treasury that holds custodial wallets on behalf of a user. The treasury serves as a way to group the customer's wallets together. This makes it easier to manage wallets and associated assets for the user within a specific project. The customer and treasury are associated with the specified project ID. The response includes the newly created customer record. If there is an error connecting to the database or unable to emit a customer created event, the mutation will fail and an error will be returned.
📄️ createDrop
This mutation creates a new NFT drop and its associated collection. The drop returns immediately with a creation status of CREATING. You can set up a webhook to receive a notification when the drop is ready to be minted.
📄️ createOrganization
This mutation creates a new Holaplex organization, with the user triggering the mutation automatically assigned as the owner of the organization.
📄️ createProject
This mutation creates a new project under the specified organization.
📄️ createWebhook
📄️ deactivateMember
Returns member object on success
📄️ deleteCredential
Delete the OAuth2 API credential.
📄️ deleteWebhook
📄️ editCredential
Edit the name assigned to the API credential.
📄️ editOrganization
This mutation edits the name or profile image of the organization.
📄️ editProject
This mutations edits the name and profile image of the project.
📄️ editWebhook
📄️ importSolanaCollection
This mutation imports a Solana collection. See the guide for importing instructions.
📄️ inviteMember
To invite a person to the organization, provide their email address.
📄️ mintEdition
This mutation mints an NFT edition for a specific drop ID. The mint returns immediately with a creation status of CREATING. You can set up a webhook to receive a notification when the mint is accepted by the blockchain.
📄️ mintQueued
This mutation mints a specific queued drop mint.
📄️ mintRandomQueuedToDrop
This mutation mints a random queued drop mint.
📄️ mintToCollection
This mutation mints either a compressed or standard NFT to a collection.
📄️ patchCollection
Update a collection attributes or creators.
📄️ patchDrop
This mutation allows updating a drop and it's associated collection by ID.
📄️ pauseDrop
This mutation allows for the temporary blocking of the minting of editions and can be resumed by calling the resumeDrop mutation.
📄️ queueMintToDrop
No description
📄️ reactivateMember
Returns member object on success
📄️ resumeDrop
This mutation resumes a paused drop, allowing minting of editions to be restored
📄️ retryCollection
This mutation tries to re-create a failed collection.
📄️ retryDrop
This mutation retries an existing drop.
📄️ retryMintEdition
This mutation retries a mint which failed or is in pending state. The mint returns immediately with a creation status of CREATING. You can set up a webhook to receive a notification when the mint is accepted by the blockchain.
📄️ retryMintToCollection
Retries a mint which failed by passing its ID.
📄️ retryMint
This mutation retries a mint which failed or is in pending state. The mint returns immediately with a creation status of CREATING. You can set up a webhook to receive a notification when the mint is accepted by the blockchain.
📄️ retryUpdateMint
This mutation retries updating a mint that failed by providing the ID of the update_history.
📄️ shutdownDrop
Shuts down a drop by writing the current UTC timestamp to the shutdown_at field of drop record.
📄️ switchCollection
This mutation allows you to change the collection to which a mint belongs.
📄️ transferAsset
Transfers an asset from one user to another on a supported blockchain network.
📄️ updateMint
This mutation updates a mint.