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Importing a Collection

Any existing Solana collection can be imported into Hub for management and analysis.


  • A project created within Holaplex Hub
  • Access to the Holaplex Hub GraphQL API (an access token can be generated on Hub's "Credentials" page)
  • Hub API Playground: You could also use a GraphQL client such as Apollo Client or a tool like GraphQL Playground
  • Your collection's current update authority keys must be accessible via cli

For all API requests to Hub, you'll need to include an authentication header of the form

"Authorization": "<access-token>"

Step 1: Import collection mutation

The first step is to call the importSolanaCollection mutation to make Hub aware of the collection and viewable in the Hub console. Select the project where the collection should belong and the existing collection's token address.


mutation ImportSolanaCollection($input:ImportCollectionInput!) {
importSolanaCollection(input:$input) {


"input": {

The project-id can be found in Hub, by clicking the menu button next to the project name.

Example response

"data": {
"importSolanaCollection": {
"status": "PENDING"

Once the collection is imported, it will be visible on Hub, under the "Collections" tab of the corresponding project.

Step 2: Transfer update authority

In order to mint tokens to the collection, transfer the collection's update authority to the Hub project treasury wallet. Transfer the update authority using the Metaboss set-update-authority-all command: