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Deploying a Mint Page


In this guide, we'll fork the mint page starter app and deploy it using Render.


  1. Render account
  2. Drop configured in Hub

Follow along as Mackenzie deploys a mint page here:


Fork the starter app repository

Fork the repository and give it a unique name

Customize the mint page

  1. In the file tailwind.config.js, configure the following color options:

    • cta (call to action) - primary color for buttons
    • backdrop - background color
    • contrast - background color of sale boxes
  2. Replace the image file: public/img/logo.png. The logo has a fixed size - this can be adjusted at src/app/Home.tsx.

  3. Commit changes and push to the fork.

Create Render Blueprint Instance

  1. Log in to

  2. Create a new Blueprint Instance

    a. Connect the newly forked repository to Render (GitHub -> Configure account, grant Render access to the repository)

    b. Enter Blueprint Name and select the repository branch to deploy

Set configuration variables


    a. Go to the Google Developer Console.

    b. Create a new project or select an existing one.

    c. Navigate to the "Credentials" page.

    d. Click on "Create Credentials" and select "OAuth client ID."

    e. Choose "Web application" as the application type.

    f. We will return to enter the "Authorized JavaScript origins" and the "Authorized redirect URIs" shortly below.

    g. Click "Create" to generate your GOOGLE_CLIENT_ID and GOOGLE_CLIENT_SECRET.


    a. Go to the Twitter Developer Portal.

    b. Create a new standalone app or select an existing one.

    c. Set up "User authentication" and select "Request email from users". The starter mint page uses email address for user identities.

    c. Enter the "Consumer Keys" (API Key and Secret) to your Render configuration.


    a. Log into the Hub

    b. Create a new Organization or select an existing one.

    c. On the "Credentials" tab, click "Generate token"


    a. On the Hub, create a new Project or select an existing one.

    b. The UUID in the URL is the Project ID, e.g. the Project ID corresponding to the Hub URL is dc2471ec-6b34-4ca0-8c78-9906a59316fc


    a. On the Hub, create a new Drop or select an existing one.

    b. The UUID in the URL is the Drop ID, e.g. the Drop ID corresponding to the Hub URL is 394ed9dd-b764-4e0f-a9b1-bb362fd56fb9

  6. NEXTAUTH_URL - Render will produce this URL, leave it blank for now.

  7. Click Apply to create the database and web service

Finish configuration

  1. On the web service page, copy the deploy URL (e.g.

  2. Set NEXTAUTH_URL - on the "Environment" tab, add an environment variable named NEXTAUTH_URL and paste the deploy URL as value. Save Changes.

  3. On the Google Developer Console, navigate to Credentials -> Client ID for Web application. Add a URI to "Authorized JavaScript origins" and paste the same link. Also add a URI to "Authorized redirect URIs", paste the same link and append /api/auth/callback/google, e.g.

  4. On the Twitter Developer Portal under "User uathentication settings", enter the callback URI, e.g.

Set up the database

  1. In Render, navigate to web app's "Shell" tab.

  2. Run npm run db

View your mint page

Your mint page is now deployed and ready to use! The URL is available in Render, e.g.