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type Collection {
id: UUID!
blockchain: Blockchain!
supply: Int
creationStatus: CreationStatus!
projectId: UUID!
createdAt: DateTime!
createdById: UUID!
creditsDeductionId: UUID
address: String
totalMints: Int!
signature: String
sellerFeeBasisPoints: Int!
metadataJson: MetadataJson
mints: [CollectionMint!]
creators: [CollectionCreator!]
holders: [Holder!]
purchases: [MintHistory!]
mintHistories: [MintHistory!]
drop: Drop

Fields ● UUID! non-null scalar

The unique identifier for the collection.

Collection.blockchain ● Blockchain! non-null enum

The blockchain of the collection. ● Int scalar

The total supply of the collection. Setting to null implies unlimited minting.

Collection.creationStatus ● CreationStatus! non-null enum

The creation status of the collection. When the collection is in a CREATED status you can mint NFTs from the collection.

Collection.projectId ● UUID! non-null scalar

Collection.createdAt ● DateTime! non-null scalar

The date and time in UTC when the collection was created.

Collection.createdById ● UUID! non-null scalar

The user id of the person who created the collection.

Collection.creditsDeductionId ● UUID scalar

Collection.address ● String scalar

The blockchain address of the collection used to view it in blockchain explorers. On Solana this is the mint address. On EVM chains it is the concatenation of the contract address and the token id {contractAddress}:{tokenId}.

Collection.totalMints ● Int! non-null scalar

The current number of NFTs minted from the collection.

Collection.signature ● String scalar

The transaction signature of the collection.

Collection.sellerFeeBasisPoints ● Int! non-null scalar

The royalties assigned to mints belonging to the collection expressed in basis points.

Collection.metadataJson ● MetadataJson object

The metadata json associated to the collection.


Metaplex v1.1.0 Standard

Collection.mints ● [CollectionMint!] list object

The list of minted NFTs from the collection including the NFTs address and current owner's wallet address.

Collection.creators ● [CollectionCreator!] list object

The list of attributed creators for the collection.

Collection.holders ● [Holder!] list object

The list of current holders of NFTs from the collection.

Collection.purchases ● [MintHistory!] list object

A list of all NFT purchases from the collection, including both primary and secondary sales.

Collection.mintHistories ● [MintHistory!] list object

A list of all NFT mints from the collection, including both primary and secondary sales.

Collection.drop ● Drop object

Returned by

collection query

Member of

CollectionMint object ● CreateCollectionPayload object ● Drop object ● PatchCollectionPayload object ● Project object