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A Holaplex organization is the top-level account within the Holaplex ecosystem. Each organization has a single owner who can invite members to join. Organizations use projects to organize NFT campaigns or initiatives.

type Organization {
id: UUID!
clientId: String!
): Credential!
limit: Int
offset: Int
): [Credential!]!
credits: Credits
deductionTotals: [DeductionTotals!]
name: String!
createdAt: DateTime!
deactivatedAt: DateTime
profileImageUrlOriginal: String
members: [Member!]
owner: Owner
status: InviteStatus
): [Invite!]!
projects: [Project!]!
profileImageUrl: String
webhooks: [Webhook!]
id: UUID!
): Webhook

Fields ● UUID! non-null scalar

The unique identifier assigned to the Holaplex organization, which is used to distinguish it from other organizations within the Holaplex ecosystem.

Organization.credential ● Credential! non-null object

Get a single API credential by client ID.


  • ctx - The GraphQL context object containing the database connection pool and other data.
  • client_id - The client ID of the API credential to retrieve.


The API credential with the specified client ID.

Organization.credential.clientId ● String! non-null scalar

Organization.credentials ● [Credential!]! non-null object

Get a list of API credentials associated with this organization.


  • ctx - The GraphQL context object containing the database connection pool and other data.
  • limit - Optional limit on the number of credentials to retrieve.
  • offset - Optional offset for the credentials to retrieve.


A list of API credentials associated with this organization.

Organization.credentials.limit ● Int scalar
Organization.credentials.offset ● Int scalar

Organization.credits ● Credits object

Define an asynchronous function to load the credits for the organization Returns Credits object #Errors returns error if credits_loader is not found in the context or if the loader fails to load the credits

Organization.deductionTotals ● [DeductionTotals!] list object

Define an asynchronous function to load the total credits deducted for each action Returns DeductionTotals object #Errors returns error if total_deductions_loader is not found in the context or if the loader fails to load the total deductions ● String! non-null scalar

The name given to the Holaplex organization, which is used to identify it within the Holaplex ecosystem and to its members and users.

Organization.createdAt ● DateTime! non-null scalar

The datetime, in UTC, when the Holaplex organization was created by its owner.

Organization.deactivatedAt ● DateTime scalar

The datetime, in UTC, when the Holaplex organization was deactivated by its owner.

Organization.profileImageUrlOriginal ● String scalar

The optional profile image associated with the Holaplex organization, which can be used to visually represent the organization.

Organization.members ● [Member!] list object

The members who have been granted access to the Holaplex organization, represented by individuals who have been invited and accepted the invitation to join the organization.

Organization.owner ● Owner object

The owner of the Holaplex organization, who has created the organization and has full control over its settings and members.

Organization.invites ● [Invite!]! non-null object

The invitations to join the Holaplex organization that have been sent to email addresses and are either awaiting or have been accepted by the recipients.

Organization.invites.status ● InviteStatus enum

Organization.projects ● [Project!]! non-null object

The projects that have been created and are currently associated with the Holaplex organization, which are used to organize NFT campaigns or initiatives within the organization.

Organization.profileImageUrl ● String scalar

Organization.webhooks ● [Webhook!] list object

Retrieves a list of all webhooks associated with the organization.


  • ctx - The context object representing the current request.


A vector of all Webhook objects associated with the Organization, or None if there are none.


This function will return an error if the data context cannot be retrieved.

Organization.webhook ● Webhook object

Retrieves a specific webhook associated with the organization, based on its ID.


  • ctx - The context object representing the current request.
  • id - The UUID of the Webhook to retrieve.


The specified Webhook object, or None if it does not exist.


This function will return an error if the data context cannot be retrieved. ● UUID! non-null scalar

Returned by

organization query

Member of

CreateOrganizationPayload object ● EditOrganizationPayload object ● Invite object ● Member object ● Owner object ● Project object