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A Holaplex project that belongs to an organization. Projects are used to group unique NFT campaigns or initiatives, and are used to assign objects that end customers will interact with, such as drops and wallets.

type Project {
id: UUID!
id: UUID!
): Customer
customers: [Customer!]
drops: [Drop!]
id: UUID!
): Drop
collections: [Collection!]
id: UUID!
): Collection
name: String!
organizationId: UUID!
createdAt: DateTime!
deactivatedAt: DateTime
profileImageUrlOriginal: String
organization: Organization
profileImageUrl: String
treasury: Treasury

Fields ● UUID! non-null scalar

The unique identifier assigned to the Holaplex project.

Project.customer ● Customer object

Retrieve a customer record associated with the project, using its ID. ● UUID! non-null scalar

Project.customers ● [Customer!] list object

Retrieve all customer records associated with a given project.

Project.drops ● [Drop!] list object

The drops associated with the project.

Project.drop ● Drop object

Look up a drop associated with the project by its ID. ● UUID! non-null scalar

Project.collections ● [Collection!] list object

The collections associated with the project.

Project.collection ● Collection object

Look up a collection associated with the project by its ID. ● UUID! non-null scalar ● String! non-null scalar

The friendly name assigned to the Holaplex project to differentiate it from other projects belonging to the organization.

Project.organizationId ● UUID! non-null scalar

The ID of the Holaplex organization to which the project belongs.

Project.createdAt ● DateTime! non-null scalar

The datetime, in UTC, when the project was created.

Project.deactivatedAt ● DateTime scalar

The date and time in Coordinated Universal Time (UTC) when the Holaplex project was created. Once a project is deactivated, objects that were assigned to the project can no longer be interacted with.

Project.profileImageUrlOriginal ● String scalar

The optional profile image associated with the project, which can be used to visually represent the project.

Project.organization ● Organization object

Project.profileImageUrl ● String scalar

Project.treasury ● Treasury object

The treasury assigned to the project, which contains the project's wallets.

Returned by

project query

Member of

CreateProjectPayload object ● EditProjectPayload object ● Organization object ● Webhook object