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The owner of the Holaplex organization, who is the individual that created the organization.

type Owner {
userId: UUID!
user: User
id: UUID!
organizationId: UUID!
createdAt: DateTime!
organization: Organization


Owner.userId ● UUID! non-null scalar

The ID of the user who created the Holaplex organization and serves as its owner.

Owner.user ● User object

The user identity associated with the owner of the organization. ● UUID! non-null scalar

The unique identifier assigned to the record of the user who created the Holaplex organization and serves as its owner, which is used to distinguish their record from other records within the Holaplex ecosystem.

Owner.organizationId ● UUID! non-null scalar

The ID assigned to the Holaplex organization owned by the user, which is used to distinguish it from other organizations within the Holaplex ecosystem."

Owner.createdAt ● DateTime! non-null scalar

The datetime, in UTC, when the organization was created.

Owner.organization ● Organization object

The Holaplex organization owned by the user.

Member of

Organization object

Implemented by

Affiliation union