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A webhook represents an endpoint registered to receive notifications for specific events within a project.

type Webhook {
createdById: UUID!
createdBy: User
id: UUID!
channels: [String!]!
projects: [Project!]!
endpointId: String!
url: String!
events: [FilterType!]!
description: String!
createdAt: NaiveDateTime!
organizationId: UUID!
updatedAt: NaiveDateTime


Webhook.createdById ● UUID! non-null scalar

Retrieves the ID of the user who created the webhook.

Webhook.createdBy ● User object

The user who created the webhook. ● UUID! non-null scalar

Retrieves the ID of the webhook.

Webhook.channels ● [String!]! non-null scalar

Retrieves the channels the webhook is subscribed to.

Webhook.projects ● [Project!]! non-null object

This field specifies the list of projects for which an associated object will trigger a webhook event.

Webhook.endpointId ● String! non-null scalar

Retrieves the ID of the webhook's endpoint.

Webhook.url ● String! non-null scalar

Retrieves the URL of the webhook's endpoint. ● [FilterType!]! non-null enum

Retrieves the events the webhook is subscribed to.

Webhook.description ● String! non-null scalar

Retrieves the webhook's description.

Webhook.createdAt ● NaiveDateTime! non-null scalar

Retrieves the creation datetime of the webhook.

Webhook.organizationId ● UUID! non-null scalar

Retrieves the ID of the organization the webhook belongs to.

Webhook.updatedAt ● NaiveDateTime scalar

Retrieves the last update datetime of the webhook.

Member of

CreateWebhookPayload object ● EditWebhookPayload object ● Organization object