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A collection of wallets assigned to different entities in the Holaplex ecosystem.

type Treasury {
id: UUID!
vaultId: String!
createdAt: DateTime!
wallets: [Wallet!]
assetType: AssetType!
): Wallet

Fields ● UUID! non-null scalar

The unique identifier for the treasury.

Treasury.vaultId ● String! non-null scalar

The associated Fireblocks vault ID.


Vault Objects

Treasury.createdAt ● DateTime! non-null scalar

The creation DateTimeWithTimeZone of the vault.

Treasury.wallets ● [Wallet!] list object

The treasury's associated wallets.

Treasury.wallet ● Wallet object

Lookup a wallet based on its asset_type.

Treasury.wallet.assetType ● AssetType! non-null enum

Member of

Customer object ● Project object